Product & Service

AOIB offers all types of Insurance to our clients across categories in collaboration with leading Insurance providers in the UAE.

- Fire & Allied Perils

- Property All Risks

- STRATA Cover

- Consequential Loss (Loss of Profit following fire)

- Burglary

- Contractors - All Risks

- Erection - All Risks

- Contractors Plant and Machinery

- Machinery Breakdown

- Consequential Loss (Loss of Profit following Machinery Breakdown)

- Deterioration of Stock (Following Machinery Breakdown)

- Jewelers Block

- Workmen's Compensation

- Medical Malpractice

- Professional Indemnity

- Householders Comprehensive / Home Insurance

- Hotel Comprehensive

- Directors / Officers Liability

- Banker's Blanket

- Medical (Individual / Family & Group)

- Fidelity Guarantee

- Money

- Motor Insurance

- Marine Cargo

- Marine Hull

- Plate Glass

- Travel

- Others (Specialty Insurances)